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Robby on Pre-Contest Training

Robby Robinson gives insight into his preparation for the 1978 Mr Olympia.  Robby would go on to win the Heavyweight class before finishing second to Frank Zane for the overall title. Source: Muscle Builder Power (October 1978) Page #14 - Muscle Builder Power (Oct 1978) Page #15 - Muscle Builder Power (Oct 1978) Page #16 - Muscle…

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More Olympia Impressions

Robert Nailon from Australia provides a brief overview of his experience at the 1978 Mr Olympia. Source: MuscleMag International (Annual 4) Page #100 - MuscleMag International (Annual 4) Page #101 - MuscleMag International (Annual 4) Page #102 - MuscleMag International (Annual 4) Page #103 - MuscleMag International (Annual 4)

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1978 Mr Olympia Dramatics

Frank Zane captures his second Mr Olympia crown.  Robby Robinson would finish 2nd and Roy Callendar 3rd.    A disappointed and angered Kalman Szkalak, the 5th place finisher, expressed his disappointment with the now infamous "Nailed to the Cross!" pose.  No doubt about it he felt that he was maliciously crucified. This 17…

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a look back at bodybuilding history

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