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The California grand prix

1968 AAU Mr. USA. Chris Dickerson beats a loaded field to win The 1980 California Grand Prix.  Robby Robinson, Casey Viator, Samir Bannout and Boyer Coe were other notable competitors.   Source: Muscler & Fitness (Issue Aug 1980) Page #10 - Muscle & Fitness (Issue Aug 1980) Page #11 - Muscle & Fitness (Issue Aug 1980) Page #12…

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Montreal Grand Prix 1981

In the late 1970's the IFBB introduced a Grand Prix tour that enabled the leading bodybuilders ample opportunities to compete multiple times throughout the year.   In 1981 Boyer Coe dominated these competitions winning 7 in total and placing in the other 3 events he entered.  Boyer took the prize in Montreal.  He was a…

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a look back at bodybuilding history

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