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The frosting on the cake

Frank Zane captures the 1968 IFBB Mr America. The competition was stiff.  Don Peters won the Tall Class and Rock Stonewall won the Short Class.  Frank had to beat out the very impressive John DeCola in the Medium Class on his way to overall victory.   Source: Muscle Builder / Power (Issue Jan 1969) Page…

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The Columbus Diary

An extensive and comprehensive review of the 1979 World Bodybuilding Championships, Mr International and the Mr Olympia.  A great read for any bodybuilding enthusiast. Source: Muscle & Fitness (Issue Feb 1980) Page #30 - Muscle & Fitness (Issue Feb 1980) Page #31 - Muscle & Fitness (Issue Feb 1980) Page #32 - Muscle & Fitness (Issue Feb 1980) Page #33…

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Mr Universe contest 1970

The 1970 NABBA Mr Universe was one of the greatest contests of all time. Arnold Schwarzenegger one the Professional show and Frank Zane won the Amateur version. This report gives a brief overview of the contests and also provides detail on the judging. A must read. Source: Muscular Development (Issue Jan 1971) Page 18 (Muscular Development Issue Jan 1971) …

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a look back at bodybuilding history

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