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The California grand prix

1968 AAU Mr. USA. Chris Dickerson beats a loaded field to win The 1980 California Grand Prix.  Robby Robinson, Casey Viator, Samir Bannout and Boyer Coe were other notable competitors.   Source: Muscler & Fitness (Issue Aug 1980) Page #10 - Muscle & Fitness (Issue Aug 1980) Page #11 - Muscle & Fitness (Issue Aug 1980) Page #12…

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Boyer’s Battle Plan

With Boyer Coe and others boycotting the 1981 Mr Olympia Boyer had to refocus his competitive spirit.  He needed to establish himself as the Number One bodybuilder  through other means.  He had a fantastic year scoping the large majority of the Grand Prix events.  Rick Wayne explains how he did it. Source: Muscle & Fitness (Issue…

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Montreal Grand Prix 1981

In the late 1970's the IFBB introduced a Grand Prix tour that enabled the leading bodybuilders ample opportunities to compete multiple times throughout the year.   In 1981 Boyer Coe dominated these competitions winning 7 in total and placing in the other 3 events he entered.  Boyer took the prize in Montreal.  He was a…

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a look back at bodybuilding history

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