The FINAL instalment of a FOUR part series of writings on the 1981 Mr Olympia. Please ensure you read the first three before this.
The greatest booing contest of all time. 4,500 howling fans could not be wrong. Arnold laughed and laughed and laughed as his best friend Franco captured the ’81 Mr Olympia.
Rick Wayne lays it all out as only he can. Enjoy……..
PART 1: Olympia ’81: There was more going on in Columbus than met the judges’ eyes.
PART 2: Olympia ’81: The World’s Top Physiques and a Tense Crowd Prepare fort he Outcome. Did they get what they Deserved?
PART 3: Olympia’81: Four thousand voices rise in protest – and a familiar name is on there lips!
PART 4: Olympia ’81 The last lap. Comments from Arnold and Joe.
Source: Muscle & Fitness (Issue May 1982)