1963 AAU Mr America Ver Weaver shares his shoulder routine. Source: Muscular Development (Issue February 1967)
Page #17 - Strength & Health (Issue October 1944)
Page #51 - Strength & Health (Issue October 1944)
Jim Haislop trains Legs. After this article Jim would go onto win the 1967 AAU Mr USA, the 1968 AAU Mr America and his weight class of the 1969 NABBA Mr Universe. The training must have paid off! Source: Muscular Development (Issue February 1967)
Page #20 - Strength & Health (Issue October 1944)
Page #51 -…
Muscular Development often provided instructional exercise guidance. This edition focuses on the Leverage Rowing Motion with Barbell, Straight Arm Pull-down on Lat -machine and the Swing-Back under Doorway Gym. Note the exceptional artwork by Gilbert III. Source: Muscular Development (Issue February 1967)
Page #10 - Muscular Development (Issue February 1967)
Page #11 - Muscular Development (Issue…
They say calves are the most stubborn muscles but if you follow Steve Reeve's routine you will be rewarded. Source: Muscular Development (Issue February 1967)
Page #22 - Strength & Health (Issue October 1944)
Page #51 - Strength & Health (Issue October 1944)
He is a article on the program Reg used to build up his back for the 1965 Mr Universe contest. Source: Muscular Development (Issue February 1967)
Page #21 - Strength & Health (Issue October 1944)
Page #51 - Strength & Health (Issue October 1944)
Learn how Bill Pearl developed his 20 1/2 inch arms. Source: Muscular Development (Issue February 1967)
Page #16 - Muscular Development (February 1967)
Page #51 - Muscular Development (February 1967)
An article on 10 exercises that can help strengthen your lower back and abdominal muscles to prevent injury. Source: BodyPower (Apr 1981)
Page #23 - BodyPower (Apr 1981)
Page #24 - Muscle Australia (Oct 1983)
Page #25 - Muscle Australia (Oct 1983)
Bodybuilding great Rick Wayne provides an overview to his chest routine. A must read. Source: Muscle Training Illustrated (Oct 1971)
Page #14 - Muscle Training Illustrated (Oct 1971)
Page #15 - Muscle Training Illustrated (Oct 1971)
Page #57 - Muscle Training Illustrated (Oct 1971)
Page #58 - Muscle Training Illustrated (Oct 1971)
A great article on increasing your bench press strength by one of the true bodybuilding strongmen of the 1960's. Chuck Sipes provides a detailed outline of a logical approach to increase your maximum bench press lift. A must read. Source: MuscleMag International Annual No.2 (1977)
Page #196 - MuscleMag International Annual 2 (1977)
Page #197 -…
Eleanor Mondale discusses here passion to become a champion power lifter.
Source: Muscle & Fitness (Feb 1981)
Page #48 - Muscle & Fitness (Feb 1981)
Page #49 - Muscle & Fitness (Feb 1981)
Page #50 - Muscle & Fitness (Feb 1981)
Page #51 - Muscle & Fitness (Feb 1981)
Dianne Bennett had a regular column in Peak Muscle Maker focused on women's bodybuilding. This edition focuses on building a fuller bust through weight training. Source: Peak Muscle Maker (Vol II No 2)
Page #25 - Peak Muscle Maker (Vol II No2)
Page #26 - Peak Muscle Maker (Vol II No2)
Page #27 - Peak…
Early 1980's Australian Bodybuilder Debbie Pozingis reveals how she built and shaped her legs. Source: Muscle Australia (Oct 1983)
Page #26 - Muscle Australia (Oct 1983)
Page #27 - Muscle Australia (Oct 1983)
Page #28 - Muscle Australia (Oct 1983)